All units sold within Continental US: 2/10 Warranty
2-Years Full Warranty (parts and labor)
Years 3-7 Full Parts Warranty (parts only)
**Additional 30% MSRP Parts Warranty Years 8-10**
**(The customer continues to receive a 70% Discount on all parts)**
Includes HE 90; HE 110; HE 125; HE 150
The GulfStream series of Heat Pumps are backed by a solid manufacturer’s warranty to ensure consistent, quality performance and peace of mind long after the purchase.
Please Call (800) 937-6527 For Warranty Info
Homeowners have a right to accurate efficiency information. This is especially true for energy consuming appliances used in the home, such as air conditioners and now pool heat pumps.
As of December 8, 2006 Florida Building Code acknowledges pool heat pumps to meet code requirements. Florida Building Code (13-612.1.ABC.2.3.4) requires all pool heat pumps to perform in accordance with ARI Standard 1160-2004.
The new testing standards are tough.
Testing was previously done in an environment of 80ºF with 80% humidity and then achieve 80ºF water temperature. Heat pumps now must be tested in an environment of 50ºF, 63% humidity, and then achieve 80ºF. Specific minimal efficiencies must be met at these colder conditions.
The GulfStream has not only met the minimum requirements, but has exceeded them!
Florida’s building industry is one of the most powerful, influential and lucrative sources of commerce in Florida. When it comes to code and compliancy, safe is better than sorry when considering future legal and/or financial complications.
*Call to Schedule a Preventative Maintenance on you Gulfstream Heater Today – Only $99
*Not available in some areas
Making sure there is good airflow through the evaporator and proper drainage are the two main tasks. A foaming coil cleaner can be used to clean the evaporator coil. Keep all shrubs trimmed back away from the unit to allow sufficient airflow.
Caution: Make sure all power is disconnected to the heater prior to washing.
Clean the coil as needed. If located near the ocean, cleaning will need to be done regularly to remove salt and sand. Use a very soft brush so as not to bend the coil fins with soapy water to remove any build up. Keep the drain holes in the base free of debris to assure proper condensate drainage.
Your heat pump’s cabinet is made from a maintenance-free, rust-free plastic that is UV resistant. It will last for years and any dirt or dust may simply be wiped away with a cloth or sprayed off with a water hose. The use of a product such as Armor-All will restore its natural luster. Do not use cleaners that contain alcohol. Alcohol based cleaners may damage the plastic.
In areas where freezing condition is not prevalent and winterizing of pools is not common, allow water to flow through the heater even when not in use.
In freezing areas, it is mandatory that the water be completely drained from the heater and disconnected from the piping. The heat exchanger must be blown out with air to ensure no water is left in the heat exchanger.
A simple test to verify that your heater is functioning is to place your hand above the unit. There should be cool air blowing out of the top after approximately a 2 minute time delay. The water returning to the pool should be a few degrees warmer than water entering the heater. After about 15 minutes of run time, there should be condensation draining out of the base of the unit. If you have reason to believe your heater is not functioning properly, please follow the troubleshooting guide below or call 239-567-0009 for service.

Sizing Calculator
Proper sizing of a pool heat pump can be very simple.
Every application is different depending on desired temperatures, circulation times, shading etc. If you would like a recommendation based on your specific application, please contact us with the specifications at sales@gulfstreamheatpump.com
As a rule of thumb, here are suggestions based on pool sizes under standard conditions:
HE110 – (Up to 15,000 gallons or 450 square feet)
HE125 – (Up to 23,000 gallons or 650 square feet)
HE150 – (Up to 27,000 gallons or 800 square feet)
Use of a pool cover will reduce heat losses by 50%.
When using heat pumps to heat a spa – we always suggest to go up a size since you cannot oversize a pool heat pump.